130 EUR / 975 DKK

Payment not later than one week after you signed up.
Binding registration.

NOTICE: New account.
Bank info: Spar Nord
reg. no. 8122
account 1220 36 9710

Iban no.


For the catalogue:
Write "Catalogue" at the backside of one of your artworks, and send it to us as soon as possible.

Remember: Deadline for sending your artworks is September 1.


All exhibitors will be represented on the exhibition's website www. and with personal data and a work photo from approx. August 2024, until one year after the end of the exhibition (October 2025). In addition, the exhibition will be announced on the gallery's website and will be advertised online at the social medias.

We encourage everyone to contact your own local media and get promoted as Heartartist  in connection with the exhibition.


A catalog will be published in connection with the exhibition, one page for each artist.

You will receive your copy of the catalog at the opening, or if not attending, it will be posted to you.

All exhibitors will also be represented at www.heartartwoeldwide.com.

Text and portrait foto for the catalog

Write 10 lines with your personal info. Send a porraitfoto. We edit the text for the catalog. 

Send the txt and foto in a mail to Karen as soon as possible and not later than Sept. 1, 2024.

If we have to cancel

In case of cancellation will artworks and EUR 120 / DKK 875 be returned.



  • Place to exhibit 20 HeartArtworks
  • 1 page in the catalogue + 1 catalogue
  • advertising
  • setting up the exhibition in Haag The Netherlands
  • watch at the exhibition
  • return of unsold artworks
  • 100% of the sales go directly to the artist
  • no commision to the Gallery

Max. weight and height

You must send 20 artworks (not later than September 1.)

The total weight of your artworks must not exceed 2000 grams (2 kg)

The total volume of the package should not exceed 40X25 cm. Otherwise contact Karen.

If you want a personal OR code: Contact Karen Sennefelder, sennefelder.dk@gmail.com


Galleri AnnaV
JAVAStraat 138a
2528AX, Den Haag
The Netherlands


When the exhibition is finished money due to each artist from sales will be transferred electronically. Therefore, we will need an account number when you book.
No commision.
All sale goes to the artist.


Send your artwork in solid packaging, which can be used again when we return the unsold artworks to you.
The parcel will be returned by regular post. Remember - your artworks are not insured while in the post, or while transported to Haag. But we take really good care of them.

Remember to send your artmoney not later than September 1.

  • Go to the postoffice
  • Fill out the label like this:
  • To Karen Sennefelder/HeartArt
    Langvadvej 85
    DK-7741 Frøstrup
